Värnamo Zonta Club

Welcome to our club! We have been around since 1988 and have about 20 members. We usually meet on the second Tuesday of each month, except June, July and August. The club raises money for Zonta's international projects and does various advocacy efforts in the local area for a more equal world. In connection with the campaign Zonta Says No To Violence Against Women, the club is organizing Zoppkväll in Värnamo with interesting lectures and accompanying soup.

Gruppbild på medlemmar från Värnamo zontaklubb tillsammans med föreläsare vid zoppkväll 2022.

Club events 2025:

January meeting
January 14, at 6:30 PM
We meet in the meeting room at Järnvägsgatan 2 in Värnamo.
After a simple meal, we talk about the service projects that Zonta contributes to. We go through logging in to Zonta.se and then we end the meeting with a music quiz.

Start year: 1988

Charter number: 222

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