Support Zonta's work for an equal world

A contribution to the Zonta Foundation for Women goes towards implementing our projects and programs to support women and girls worldwide.

Since 1923, Zonta has contributed $46.3 million to projects that have improved the lives of millions of women in 66 countries.

Stöd Zontas arbete för en jämställd värld
Swisha ditt bidrag till Zonta

Contribute via Swish

When you make a gift via Swish, the money goes via our district to the international projects. Swish your gift to 123 320 40 13, or scan the QR code above from your Swish app.

Ge bort en gåvobevis

Print a gift certificate

If you want to give a gift, for example as a holiday or memorial gift, you can download one of our gift certificates. If you open the file in Acrobat Reader, you can write in the recipient's name, your own text and the sender's name before printing or sending the gift certificate.

Choose gift certificate

Stöd Zonta internationellt

Make a gift through

You can also make your gift directly to the Zonta Foundation for Women. Choose whether you want to support our international projects or one of our scholarships.

Make a gift through

Insamlingsorganisationen Zonta Foundation for Women samlar in och förvaltar medel för att ge ekonomiskt stöd till projekt och program som förbättrar kvinnors möjligheter till utbildning och förbättrad hälsa.

Zonta Foundation for Women

The mission of our fundraising organization Zonta Foundation for Women is to collect and manage funds to provide financial support to projects and programs that improve women's opportunities for education and improved health, as well as to projects that can eliminate violence against women through advocacy and legislation.

We follow up on the results

All contributions to the Zonta Foundation for Women go to the projects and scholarships that we decide on at the Zonta World Meeting. The projects we support are usually run in collaboration with various UN agencies. The Zonta Foundation for Women receives regular reports on how our grants are used. In addition, people from Zonta International visit the projects on site at regular intervals. We typically disburse funds in stages and require interim results before continuing to fund a decided project.

Alla bidrag till Zonta Foundation for Women går till de projekt och stipendier som vi beslutar om på Zontas världsmöte och följs upp med rapporter..

More information

For questions about gifts please contact Christina Rylander Bergqvist at or telephone 070-581 00 01. You can also use the form below to get in touch with us.

    By clicking "Send" you agree that Zonta District 21 saves your personal data and that we use it in accordance with our privacy policy. This page is protected by reCAPTCHA and Google privacy policy and terms applies.

    Engage yourself!

    As a member of Zonta, you are part of a wide network of people from different professional groups who are creating a better future for girls and women all over the world.