About us

Zonta International is a leading global organization of people from various professional groups who work to promote women's rights through support efforts and advocacy work. We are politically and religiously unbound and today have around 25,000 members in more than 1,100 clubs in around 60 countries.

District 21, which consists of Sweden and Latvia, has around 1,500 members.

Zonta International är en ledande global organisation av personer från olika yrkesgrupper som arbetar för att främja kvinnors rättigheter genom stödjande insatser och påverkansarbete.
Vår vision är en värld där alla erkänner kvinnors rättigheter som mänskliga rättigheter och där varje kvinna har möjlighet att nå sin fulla potential.

Our vision

Our vision is a world where everyone recognizes women's rights as human rights and where every woman has the opportunity to reach her full potential.

In that world, women have access to all resources and are represented in all decision-making positions on the same terms as men.

In that world, no woman is afraid of violence.

We empower women

Because we work for an equal world, we empower women by:

  • Influence locally and globally
  • Invest in the future
  • Create lasting change
  • Develop leaders

Supporting efforts

We provide financial support to several projects for equality and human rights, often in collaboration with various UN agencies. The projects focus, among other things, on promoting women's health, education and the economy and on abolishing gender-based violence, child marriage and human trafficking.

Influence work

We want to change attitudes and values in the long term to improve conditions for women and girls and strengthen and protect their human rights. We act at an international, national and local level in matters concerning human rights and gender equality.

our history

As early as 1919, the "Confederation of Zonta Clubs" was founded in Buffalo, New York. Among the organization's earliest members were the first generation of college-educated women and the first generation of women in the United States to have the right to vote. Many belonged to a growing but still relatively small group of working women. They committed themselves to women's equality and women's right to a better life.

In memory of the founding, November 8 was designated as Zonta Day. A year later, nine clubs had been formed in the United States with a total of 600 members. In almost 100 years, Zonta International has grown into a leading global organization with around 25,000 active and competent women and men.

Zonta came to Sweden as early as 1935, when the first club was established in Stockholm. Today, Sweden together with Latvia form District 21 with around 1,500 members.

Till Sverige kom Zonta redan 1935, då den första klubben etablerades i Stockholm. Idag bildar Sverige tillsammans med Lettland Distrikt 21 med omkring 1 500 medlemmar.
Zonta International är indelat i 31 distrikt och 1 region över hela världen.


Zonta International is divided into 31 districts and 1 region worldwide. Each district consists of several so-called areas, or geographical areas, and each area contains several clubs. In total, we are approximately 1100 clubs worldwide. Our district, number 21, includes Sweden and Latvia and about 60 clubs.

Zonta is governed democratically

Zonta International follows democratic procedures and we encourage our members to be active in decisions at all levels.

International World Meetings

Every two years, an international world meeting is arranged - Zonta International Convention. Matters and decisions are processed there both within the member organization Zonta International and the fundraising organization Zonta Foundation for Women. At the world meeting, delegates from Zonta clubs worldwide attend to represent, vote, elect the board and make decisions that ensure Zonta lives up to its mission and vision.

District meetings

Every two years, in between two world meetings, we hold our district meeting. Even then, it is delegates from the clubs who vote and make decisions, including on the board and budget for the coming year.

Zonta International Board of Directors

Zonta is led by an international board, the Zonta International Board, which is elected at the world meeting every two years. The board's task is to determine policies and decide on general direction for Zonta globally.

Zonta Foundation for Women

The Zonta Foundation for Women is Zonta's fundraising organization. Its mission is to collect and manage funds for the projects that the world meeting decides on. The funds collected will be used to support women's right to good health, education and a fair legal, political and economic position in the world. 

The board of Zonta Foundation for Women is the same as that of Zonta International.

Zonta International Committees

Zonta International has more than 20 different committees. In cooperation with the board, the committees have a key role in implementing the two-year goals decided by the world meeting.

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Engage yourself!

As a member of Zonta, you are part of a wide network of people from different professional groups who are creating a better future for girls and women all over the world.