Our clubs

Here you will find all clubs in Sweden and Latvia, the two countries that are part of our district. Search via county or via clubs A-Z further down the page. You can find all Zonta clubs in the world at Zonta International website.

Clubs by area

Blekinge län

Gävleborgs län

Hallands län

Jämtlands län

Jönköpings län

Kalmar län

Kronobergs län

Norrbottens län

Uppsala län

Västerbottens län

Västernorrlands län

Västmanlands län

Örebro län

Östergötlands län

Do you want to become a member of one of our clubs?

As a member of Zonta, you are part of a global network of around 25,000 people who all share your commitment to women's rights. You can apply for membership directly to a club or through the form below.

Som medlem i Zonta ingår du i ett globalt nätverk av omkring 25 000 personer som alla delar ditt engagemang för kvinnors rättigheter.

Apply for membership

Fill in your details to be contacted by your nearest club.

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