Here you will find all clubs in Sweden and Latvia, the two countries that are part of our district. Search via county or via clubs A-Z further down the page. You can find all Zonta clubs in the world at Zonta International website.
Blekinge län
Dalarnas län
Gävleborgs län
Hallands län
Jämtlands län
Kalmar län
Kronobergs län
Norrbottens län
Skåne län
Stockholms län
Södermanlands län
Uppsala län
Värmlands län
Västerbottens län
Västernorrlands län
Västmanlands län
Västra Götalands län
Örebro län
Östergötlands län
As a member of Zonta, you are part of a global network of around 25,000 people who all share your commitment to women's rights. You can apply for membership directly to a club or through the form below.
Fill in your details to be contacted by your nearest club.