Welcome to the January meeting!

• Under the guidance of artist Åsa Karner, we paint together. The activity is intended to create togetherness in a playful way and is completely free from performance requirements. So it is not at all about “being able to paint”! Don't wear your best clothes, but something that you can wash off any paint stains from
• Club matters
• Lottery

During the evening, soup, bread and cheese are served, as well as coffee with a piece of chocolate.

The cost of participating in the monthly meeting is 150 SEK, which is paid via plusgiro 213668-7 or Swish 123 6815633.

Feel free to invite guests! Guest registration must be made no later than Monday, January 20th at the email address below.

Cancellations must be made as usual to falbozonta@outlook.com no later than Monday, January 20th.

Welcome to January 23rd!

StjärnaClub: Falun-Borlänge

KalenderDate: 2025-01-23

KlockaTime: 18:30

PlatsPlace: Österå village cottage, Österå 95