Anna Lindman “What I thought was love”
We are very happy to welcome Anna Lindman to our next club meeting. She will speak on the topic of psychological violence, which she writes about in her book “What I Thought Was Love”. It is about her own and others’ experiences of relationships, about “the violence that is not visible, that does not cause bruises but leaves deep scars”.
Anna is also known for her programs and the book about the Knutby sect. In the book about psychological violence, parallels are drawn between relationships with a partner and religious leaders. Now current on SvT with the series about euthanasia "Last resort".
Please register your attendance to no later than Thursday, March 13, 2025. Please include your name and the date of the meeting, i.e. March 19.
Price 400 SEK which you swish to the club's account 123 203 1565 or deposit into our plus account 158265-9.