
Women & Film is a series of films that highlight films with a focus on women's lives and situation in society as well as the work of female filmmakers.

We offer fika efter filmens slut från ca 16.00. Behållningen går till Kvinnohuset i Örebro eller annan verksamhet som främjar kvinnors situation. During the Covid-19 epidemic, violence in close relationships has increased. Anyone who wants to make a contribution to Kvinnohuset can send their donation to 123 157 92 75.

As before, one of the organizers will present their business.

Lite om filmen I Lee gestaltar Kate Winslet den banbrytande amerikanska fotojournalisten Lee Miller. Fast besluten att dokumentera sanningen om Tysklands nazistregim, och trots fördomar mot kvinnliga korrespondenter, fångar Lee några av andra världskrigets viktigaste bilder. 

Storbritannien 2023 | Drama, historia | 1 tim 57 min
Engelska, svensk text | 15 år | Regi av Ellen Kuras 

Organized by Örebro Zonta Club, Örebro Soroptimist Club and Bio Roxy.

Open to the public.

Read more about the film at cinema Roxys homepage.


Tickets are bought at the box office at Bio Roxy or at theirs homepage.

StjärnaClub: Örebro

KalenderDate: 2025-03-15

KlockaTime: 14:00

PlatsPlace: Cinema Roxy, Olaigatan 19, Örebro