
Historic District Meeting 2021

Every two years there is a district meeting in Zonta's activities, a valued meeting to which all members of the district are welcome. District 21 includes Zonta clubs in Latvia and Sweden. This year's district meeting was supposed to take place in Visby, but based on prevailing circumstances it had to be the first ever digital district meeting instead.

Usually this meeting combines utility and pleasure through a variety of program items and space for socializing and mingling. This year the format was shrunk to a four-hour meeting on Saturday, May 8.

During the meeting, the board that will lead Zonta's operations in Latvia and Sweden in 2022-2024 was elected. Marika Rindborg Holmgren from Lidingö Zonta Club was elected as the new governor. The meeting delegates also voted through a motion on women's right to reproductive health. The motion will be forwarded to Zonta's highest decision-making body, the International Convention, which will take place in Hamburg in 2022. 

In connection with the district meeting, a collection was also carried out for the Zonta Foundation for Women. Gifts were given both in connection with registration and during the meeting. When the collection ended after the weekend, the members together had collected over SEK 80,000! 

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