Welcome to the first e-club!
Zonta's first e-club in Sweden has seen the light of day, and is warmly welcomed as the 58th club in district 21. Do you also want to get involved and support other women, but for some reason cannot be a member of a traditional physical club? Then you are welcome to contact the e-club!
The e-club functions in many ways just like other Zonta clubs; meets once a month, has interesting program items on topics that affect Zonta's business and commitment, and offers a fantastic, global network. The difference is that the e-club has most of its operations online in order to be independent of the members' geographical location. Otherwise, the club has the same rights and obligations as a physical club.
The new club has held several meetings over the spring, and was formally formed on June 1, 2021. It has members of all ages, from 20 to 75, and a full board of directors.
Do you also want to work for Zonta and support with funds, skills and commitment? Is there no club near where you live, are you studying abroad, or does your current life situation make it easier to get involved digitally? Even experienced Zonts, whose club has closed down or who move to a place where Zonta is not present, can continue their commitment to Zonta in an e-club and also be a role model for younger prospective members.
Here you will find contact details for Zonta e-club of Sweden 1