Zonta's scholarships

In order to have a society where women and men together shape our future, women must be able to participate on equal terms in decision-making processes in society. Zonta has a long tradition of supporting girls and women to take a leading role in business and society through our scholarships in areas where women are underrepresented.

Read more about each scholarship below.

Email to stipendier@zonta.se for questions about scholarships and which club you should apply to.

En tjej som håller en gul ros och ett diplom.

Current scholarships

Sök stipendium Women in Technology Scholarship

Zonta Women in STEM Award

The Zonta Women in STEM Award can be applied for by you, 18 to 35 years old, who demonstrate groundbreaking research or discoveries in your studies or work life.

Young Women in Public Affairs Award är till för att stödja dig som engagerar dig i något offentligt projekt eller i en frivilligorganisation.

Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award

The Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award can be applied for by you, 16 to 19 years old, who have demonstrated leadership skills and commitment to public service and community issues.

Amelia Earhart Fellowship är ett internationellt stipendium som kan sökas av kvinnor som bedriver kvalificerad forskning på doktorandnivå inom flygteknik, rymdvetenskap och närliggande områden.

Amelia Earhart Fellowship

The Amelia Earhart Fellowship is an international scholarship for those who study at doctoral level and who conduct research that can be applied to aviation or space science.

1998 instiftade Zonta stipendiet Women in Business Scholarship för att uppmuntra och stödja kvinnliga ekonomistudenter.

Zonta Women in Business Leadership Award

The Zonta Women in Business Leadership Award can be applied for by you, 18 to 35 years old, who in studies or work life demonstrate exceptional leadership, entrepreneurial spirit and ethical conduct.

Engage yourself!

As a member of Zonta, you are part of a wide network of people from different professional groups who are creating a better future for girls and women all over the world.